The Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) method, which adjusts or introduces fewer trainable parameters to calibrate pre-trained models on downstream tasks, has become a recent research interest. However, existing PEFT methods within the traditional fine-tiuning framework have two main shortcomings: 1) They overlook the explicit association between trainable parameters and downstream task knowledge. 2) They neglect the interaction between the intrinsic task-agnostic knowledge of pre-trained models and the task-specific knowledge in downstream tasks. To address this gap, we propose a novel fine-tuning framework, named GIST, in a plug-and-play manner. Specifically, our framework first introduces a trainable token, called the Gist token, when applying PEFT methods on downstream tasks. This token serves as an aggregator of the task-specific knowledge learned by the PEFT methods and forms an explicit association with downstream knowledge. Furthermore, to facilitate explicit interaction between task-agnostic and task-specific knowledge, we introduce the concept of Knowledge Interaction via a Bidirectional Kullback-Leibler Divergence objective. As a result, PEFT methods within our framework can make the pretrained model understand downstream tasks more comprehensively by leveraging the knowledge interaction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the universality and scalability of our framework. Notably, on the VTAB-1K benchmark, we employ the Adapter (a prevalent PEFT method) within our GIST framework and achieve a performance boost of 2.25%, with an increase of only 0.8K parameters (0.01‰ of ViT-B/16).